Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Operation ÖSTERREICH: Exodus 90, Day 31

Weekly Wednesday Weigh-in
Last weigh-in: 327.0 lbs
This weigh-in: 326.4 lbs.
Difference: -0.6 lbs.

Ah, the sweet, sweet taste of failure! Yes, I lost weight, but I failed to meet two intertwined objectives: one, to lose the standing goal of two pounds per week (2 lbs./week) & thereby to set a new low weight (the current record stands at three hundred twenty-five & three-fifths pounds [325.6 lbs.]). I was undone by an old foe, an old familiar friendly enemy—the Sam Sheepdog to my Ralph Wolf: crackers & cheese. I cheated against the Exodus 90 disciplines, in spirit if not in letter, adding crackers & cheese at the end of meals when really that eating ought to have been classified as snacking, & thus verboten; so, it is no small grace that I didn't actually gain weight.

Next week: The second attempt at setting a new low weight. I must lose four-fifths of a pound (0.8 lbs.) to set that new low weight. I aim, as ever, to lose at least two. The work begins today, an Exodus 90 fast day, with my angrily growling stomach.

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