Thursday, February 28, 2019

Operation ÖSTERREICH: Mea Culpa Special

I apologize for the false impression created by yesterday's "Weekly Wednesday Weight-in" post. I did not intend any of you, my treasured readers, to take seriously my waving the white flag of surrender to perpetual weight gain. I was informed by an interlocutor that my resignation had been taken quite seriously, when I had thought my satirical intent was plain to see; it was not, which means I failed to communicate clearly. Thus this apology. My intention was to vent my spleen & disappointment, but in doing so I erred, I sinned. What I achieved to to communicate an untruth, a lie. For this I am very sorry.

Even before conversing with my beloved interlocutor, my error had been pointed out to me by the sacred Scriptures, which cut me to the quick (Proverbs, 26:18-19):
Like a madman who throws firebrands, arrows, & death,
is the man who deceives his neighbor & says, "I am only joking!"
I was wrong & I am sorry. I ought to have chosen my words with greater care & expressed myself forthrightly. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea máxima culpa!

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