Monday, May 27, 2019

The Rebel Black Dot Song o' Memorial Day

Fountains of Wayne, "Cemetery Guns" from Sky Full of Holes (The Last Angry Man)

Commentary: Decoration Day began in the aftermath of the Civil War; the traitors & slavers of the defeated Confederacy claim credit, but don't tyrants always claim credit for all things in all places? General John Logan, at the time commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic veterans organization & later a United States Senator, ordered Decoration Day to be celebrated on 30 May 1868. Sacred Michigan was the first of the several states to adopt Decoration Day as an official holiday in 1871. The name "Memorial Day" first arose in the 1880s, but did not become the official name for the purpose of the Federal holiday until 1967. In 1968, Congress moved Memorial Day from 30 May to the last Monday in May, taking effect in 1971, creating a three-day weekend & thus stripping the observance of all sanctity & significance as empty leisure & mindless entertainment became our increasingly degraded republic's civic religion.
"No rest for the errant ones,
Godspeed their reckless sons,
Who evermore play their forefathers' hands
On the foreign sands…

"Cemetery guns go bang! bang! bang!
Shooting the whole sky full of holes,
Twenty-one times in a row…"

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