Wednesday, February 26, 2003

"Last one out of Liberty City burn it to the ground."

I shaved on Monday, not because my neckbeard was bothering me, but because I figured I should. Today, I shaved because my neckbeard was killing me. Only two days growth (as oppsed to the previous five) and yet it was driving me absolutely crazy. I just felt dirty. Ick. Childbirth may be a bitch, ladies, but thank your lucky stars you don't have to shave your face every day for the next fifty years. My heart goes out to the Bald Mountain for what he must be going through.

I haven't been looking forward to this...
Year One - The Fight
Skeeter's best friend in all the world is Laura. Laura is getting married in a few months. In order to keep everyone up to speed on the wedding plans, Laura and her intended, Nick, created a website. Follwing a link from Skeeter's blog, I decided to check out the wedding page. Sweet fancy Moses, it was the most simultaneously amusing and horrifying thing I had ever seen! I mean, this was the most over-the-top crazy thing you could possibly imagine. Wanting to share my good time, I several times referred to Laura and Nick's site as "the funniest thing on the Internet" and provided a link. Unbeknownst to me, Laura was a regular reader of the Secret Base; though she never said a word to me, apparently I really hurt her feelings by mocking the site. This is when Skeeter decided to step in. She told me I was hurting Laura's feelings and asked me to stop. I did not react well to the idea of censoring myself. A fight ensued. Because Skeeter is my friend, I complied with her request and have not since linked to the wedding site; except for the purposes of this retrospective, I have scarcely mentioned it. Here's my problem: the over-the-top nature of the site bothered me; so, I chose to mock it. This mockery hurt Laura. Such was not my intention, but in any case the solution, it seems to me, would be for Laura to stop visiting this blog. Her site bothers me; so, I won't visit it. My site bothers her; so, she won't visit it. Everybody's happy. Instead of asking Laura to simply stop visiting my site, however, Skeeter decided that the only equitable solution was to ask me to change my site. When I challenged this, she told me that she was framing the issue as me asking her to choose between her loyalty to Laura and her loyalty to me. I wasn't asking her to make that choice, but in any event she told me that she was choosing Laura, and that Laura would always win. A couple days later, Skeeter asked if we could just stop fighting; she said she hated to have bad blood between us. I agreed and the feud ended. In the months since, we've talked more often than we have in years and I've been lucky enough to hang out with her the last few times she's been home. Yet despite all this, always lurking in the back of my mind is the knowledge that she cut me loose, over a situation that did not require nearly so apocalyptic a remedy. Our long friendship, and I, mean that little to her. My friendship with Skeeter, I fear, will never be as it once was. I feel unsettled, as if at any moment, without warning, the bottom could drop out. I feel like I'm living in a house built on sand. Needless to say, I hate this feeling. The best part about fighting with your friends is that nobody really wins, and nobody walks away unharmed. And by "the best part," I mean the truly sad part.

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