Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Independence Day!
"Today is our Independence Day!" Happy birthday, America! On this date two hundred thiry years ago, the Continental Congress spoke for all Mankind in rejecting the absolute despotism of Parliament just as Parliament had itself rejected the absolute despotism of the Crown during the English Civil War. The essense of the American Revolution, a revolution that continues to this day, is that all men must be free; the bondage of any man mars the freedom of every man. America has not always lived up to her own ideals, but as a nation we have done more to advance the cause of human freedom than every other force in history combined. Take a moment today, my friends, to appreciate just how extraordinarily fortunate we are to have been born Americans. In all the millennia that the earth has spun through the nigh-endless void, we were blessed enough to have been born here, now, in a world increasingly under the liberatign sway of the American ideals of freedom and free enterprise. In the immortal words of Jasper, "What a time to be alive!" Happy birthday to the United States of America, and many happy returns.

I am also fond of the dancing Uncle Sams from Futurama's Freedom Day, "Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! Oy!" Perhaps now I'll go watch Independence Day....

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