Saturday, June 16, 2018

24 HEURES DU MANS | 14:06:00

He's Dead, Jim
I've a strategy in mind to help me endure through "the Grand Prix of Endurance & Efficiency," though it might best be described as a harebrained scheme. First, a stipulation: I stay awake for the entire twenty-four hours of the 24 Hours of Le Mans. You might say that is stupid, but it's not going to change, so my strategy/harebrained scheme takes place in the context of a non-negotiable all-nighter; just accept it. In a past year, I experimented with emulating the live crown, campers who often spend the whole week in Le Mans, subsisting on seemingly nothing other than beer. Drinking beer all night was not a good idea. I was never drunk nor did I pass out, but being dehydrated did not make the experience any more fun. The following year, I experimented with drinking copious quantities of Red Bull. The excess of caffeine left me tired & twitchy, again not enhancing the racing experience. This year, I'm drinking lots & lots of water, so much so that I have to make a "pit stop" at least once an hour. I am also drinking one Red Bull every six hours, the idea being to use the caffeine to perk myself up without overdoing it so that I become twitchy & distracted. I'll let you know how it goes once it's gone.

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