Summer Book Club: "Friendship"
'Tis the Memorial of Saint Barnabas, Apostle (died circa 61, A.K.A. Joseph): Apostle-link ūnus, Apostle-link duo, & Wikipedia-link; Wikipedia-link Apostles.
Commentary: Wayback Machine. Quoth the Holy Redeemer bulletin:
Barnabas & Paul the Apostle [25 January, 29 June] undertook missionary journeys together & defended Gentile converts against Judaizers. They traveled together making more converts & participating in the Council of Jerusalem (circa 50).Wikipedia-link Council
'Tis also the festival of Saint Riagail of Bangor, Abbot (died 881): Saint-link & Wikipedia-link.
'Tis also the festival of Saint Paola Frassinietti, Religious (1809-1882), foundress of the Frassinetti Sisters, formally the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Dorothy: Saint-link & Wikipedia-link.
Scripture of This Day
Mass Readings—Monday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time
The Acts of the Apostles, chapter eleven, verses twenty-one(b) thru twenty-six & chapter thirteen, verses one thru three;
Psalm Ninety-eight, verses one, two & three(a/b), three(c/d) & four, & five & six;
The Gospel according to Matthew, chapter five, verses one thru twelve.
Commentary: Reflection by Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire):
Friends, our Gospel for today is one of the most beautiful and important in the New Testament: the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount, the eight Beatitudes. Why is it so important? Because it is the Son of God telling us how to be happy. It is the one who can’t be wrong telling us how to achieve that which each of us most basically wants. What could be more compelling?Video reflection by Mgsr. James Vlaun (Telecare T.V.): United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
At the heart of Jesus’ program are these Beatitudes: “Blessed are the merciful” and “Blessed are the peacemakers.” These name the very heart of the spiritual program, for they name the ways that we participate most directly in the divine life.
One of the most important words to describe God in the Old Testament is chesed (tender mercy). The New Testament version of this is found in the first letter of John: God is agape (love). Everything else we say about God should be seen as an aspect of this chesed and this agape. Chesed is compassion; agape is willing the good of the other. Therefore, if you want to be happy, desire to be like God. Do it and you’ll be happy.
Mass Readings—Memorial of St. Barnabas
The Acts of the Apostles, chapter eleven, verses twenty-one(b) thru twenty-six & chapter thirteen, verses one thru three;
Psalm Ninety-eight, verses one, two & three(a/b), three(c/d) & four, & five & six;
The Gospel according to Matthew, chapter ten, verses seven thru thirteen.
Papal Quote o' This Day
"The purpose is to proclaim the Kingdom of God & this is urgent! There is no time to waste in small talk, no need to wait for the consent of all—there is need only of going out & proclaiming. The peace of Christ is to be brought to everyone."Little Flower Quote o' This Day
—Pope Francis (born 1936, reigning since 2013)
"I'm not relying on my own merits, as I have none, but I put my hope in Him who is goodness & holiness Himself."Saint Quote o' This Day
—St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Doctor of the Church (1873-1897, feast day: 1 October)
"We're in God's hands, & we are so very well."
—St. Paola Frassinietti (1809-1882, feast day: 11 June)
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