Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Saints + Scripture: Adventus — Please Stand By

'Tis the Wednesday of the First Week of Advent: Advent-link & Wikipedia-link.
Commentary: Project BLACK MAMBA, the daily "Saints + Scripture" post, has been struggling for well over a year. We were chronically behind schedule even before the interdict against the lay faithful sapped all my strength & the sent me spirally into despair. I've discerned a specific project the Lord wants me to be working on, which shall henceforth be referred to by the code name Project CYCLOPS, & so I decided to set BLACK MAMBA aside in order to dedicate that time to CYCLOPS. Alas, & all too predictably, I did not dedicate to CYCLOPS the time I would otherwise have spend on BLACK MAMBA. The more I do, the more I get done; the less I do, the less I get done. This is a lesson I have needed to learn over & over again, yet a lesson I always forget.
Project BLACK MAMBA needs to be reformed, not retired—please stand by.

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