Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Rebel Black Dot Song o' Yesterday

Montag, 30. November
"Weird Al" Yankovic, "Why Does This Always Happened to Me?" from Poodle Hat (Mike Papa Whiskey)

Commentary: If the worst things to befall me yesterday are the worst things to befall a man in the course of a day, he ought—I ought to have—counted his blessings & gone merrily on his way. Instead of whining about it & feeling put upon—as I did—I ought to have thanked the Good Lord for His Providence. In the words of G. K. Chesterton:
An adven­ture is only an incon­ve­nience right­ly con­sid­ered. An incon­ve­nience is only an adven­ture wrong­ly con­sid­ered.
I hope I learned my lesson, but only the next inconvenience, rightly or wrongly considered, will tell.

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