Sunday, August 22, 2021

24 Heures du Mans | 08:39:00

This is such a strange time in the race: 'Tis the middle of the night here, but the sun has come up in France. This time has been described by those who attend the race as "happy hour"—after the long night, the sunrise brightens moods & raises spirits. Alas, 'tis a false happiness, as the brutal reality of the accumulated sleep deficit sets in & tired minds realize that despite the coming of the dawn there is still a hard day's racing left to run. Despite all the hours the teams have already raced, they have yet before them more than eight hours of racing.

Below is the Peugeot 9X8, their entry into the Hypercar class to debut in 2022. This is quite simply the ugliest race car I have ever seen, bar none. The 9X8 would be hideous even if it wasn't wrapped in the worst livery I've ever seen. Why, in the name of all that's holy, would anyone paint a race car gray? Gray! The proverbial color of dullness & conformity! If this is the future of endurance racing, weep.

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