'Tis the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Tempus per annum, "time through the year"): Wikipedia-link.Commentary: Wayback Machine.
Saints of the Day
Otherwise, 30 June would be the festival of the First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church (died 64), martyred in the reign of the Roman emperor Nero.Commentary: Quoth the Holy Family bulletin:
In the first* persecution against the Church, begun by the Emperor Nero after the burning of Rome in 64, many of the faithful were tortured & slain. The pagan writer Tacitus testifies to these events in his Annales (15, 44) as does [Saint] Clement, bishop of Rome, in his letter to the Corinthians (chapters 5-6).*The actual first persecution of the Church happened in Jerusalem, spearheaded by Saul of Tarsus (Saint Paul the Apostle), as related in the Acts of the Apostles (chapters 6-9). Today's feast honors of the first martyrs of Rome.
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