Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Explorers' Club, № MXXXII

The Space Race—Astronaut Group 3 (the "Fourteen"), Part VI
Edwin Eugene "Buzz" Aldrin Junior (b. 20 January 1930), Brigadier General, U.S. Air Force—He flew Gemini XII (1966) & Apollo 11 (Columbia & Eagle, 1969); during Gemini XII, he conducted the sixth-ever E.V.A.; he was the second of the twelve Moonwalkers; his nickname "Dr. Rendezvous" came from his doctoral work on orbital mechanics; he pioneered neutral-buoyancy-pool training for E.V.A.
Commentary: Aldrin was given the nickname "Buzz" in childhood; it became his legal name in 1988. We call him Edwin Aldrin Jr. here not out of disrespect, but because that was his name when he was selected in Astronaut Group 3.

He is the author of many books, including the autobiographies,
Return to Earth (1973) & Magnificent Desolation: The Long Journey Home from the Moon (2009).

Bonus! Space Race Song o' the Day: The "Fourteen"—Buzz Aldrin
Rocket Surgeon, "Buzz Aldrin" from Flash Fiction (Space Cadet Mike Papa DSKY)

The Wayback Machine Tour of Buzz Aldrin
"The Explorers' Club," № DCCCL: The 55th Anniversary of Gemini XII, Part I
"The Explorers' Club," № DCCCLI: The 55th Anniversary of Gemini XII, Part II
"The Explorers' Club," № DCXCVIII: The 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11, Part I
"The Explorers' Club," № DCXCIX: The 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11, Part II
"The Explorers' Club," № DCC: The 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11, Part III
"The Explorers' Club," № DCCII: The 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11, Part IV
Semper exploro.

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