Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Section 31: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993-2024)

Episode o' the Day
"Family Business" (season three, episode twenty-three; 15 May 1995): Wikipedia-link.

Commentary: "Family Business" is a great Ferengi episode, arguably the greatest. Jeffrey Combs returns after his one-off role as the creep Tiron ("Meridian") to originate the recurring role of Liquidator Brunt of the Ferengi Commerce Authority. Andrea Martin originated the recurring role of Ishka, Quark & Rom's mother, or "Moogie" (Cecily Adams would portray Ishka in all subsequent appearances). This is also the first appearance of Ferenginar, the Ferengi homeworld.

Meanwhile, back on Starbase Deep Space 9, Benjamin Sisko meets Kasidy Yates, the freighter captain with whom his son, Jake, wanted to set him up. The two bond over baseball, Sisko's favorite sport, the love of which he shares with Jake, when Kasidy mentions that her brother plays baseball with other colonists on Cestus III, a planet on the other side of the Federation, so far away that subspace messages take a fortnight to traverse the distance. I really like that little nugget of information, about the Federation being so vast that instant communications from one side to the other aren't possible. Cestus III is a nice call back to the planet on which Captain Kirk & crew first encountered the Gorn, after the Gorn massacred the crew of a Federation outpost ("Arena," T.O.S.).

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