Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the Day

James Carter and the Prisoners, "Po Lazarus" from O Brother, Where Art Thou?: Music from a Film by Joel Coen & Ethan Coen (Mike Papa Whiskey)

Commentary: It's that time of year, time to "tame the Green Monster," to trim the extensive hedges around the Widow Lima Charlie's house. Her late husband, Sierra Charlie, was a Knight of Columbus & the aboriginal purpose of the Knights of Columbus is to care of the widows & orphans of departed Knights; so, twice or thrice a year I beg & plead & harangue 'til I've gathered a crew of four to eight Knights (including grandchildren of sufficient age to be useful) & we gather on a Saturday morning to do battle against the Green Monster. We always prevail, but the Green Monster always returns for another bout, later this summer or in the fall.

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