Tuesday, July 8, 2003

On Saturday, to help take his mind off Grandma, Dad and I went to see Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. During the incredibly annoying Survivor-themed theater etiquette presentation, we saw an image of an elephant. Dad turned to me and said, "You know, I agree with Mom (my mom). Whenever I see an elephant, I think of Lisa, and I just want them all to die."

In 1999, my sister travelled to Tanzania to visit her best friend, Natalie, in-country serving a tour with the Peace Corps. For reasons that will soon be apparent, I have never asked precisely what happened, but at some point they decided to go on a short safari. An elephant charged their vehicle and while both Lisa and their guide escaped unscathed, Natalie was killed.

I had no idea my parents hated elephants. I mean, sure, one almost killed Lisa, but it's never really seemed to me that she almost died. The very idea is preposterous. I wonder if Lisa hates elephants. Of course, I'll never ask; even I am not that insensitive. Should I hate elephants? Wow, I never knew that about my parents.

Rest in peace, Natalie, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

Holy Shit
They just stitched Dave's finger back together on TV. The ten year old boy in me thinks that is just the coolest thing ever. Man, Leno fans fucking suck.

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