Sunday, May 23, 2004

I hope you're wearing gray today because it's...

There are three elements to celebrating Narwhal Day: wearing at least one article of gray clothing, taking the Oath of Narwhal Day, and listening to DJ Seaghost's "Sympathy For the Narwhal" from Rice Capades: Music Sampler Vol. 1.

Gray "Narwhal" T-shirt? Check. "Sympathy For the Narwhal"? Check, playing as I type. Oath?

The Oath of Narwhal Day
The narwhal is a noble, pitiable creature,
A magnificent, monstrous visage.
An asymetrical tooth for a horn,
Or sometimes two, or sometimes none,
Half again as long as the beast.

I swear my sympathy for the narwhal.
I will not lie and convince it all is well,
But I will be a friend to the narwhal.
The mocking dolphins and snobby manates
Will get their well-earned comeuppance,
And the narwhal will frolic all day.

I dream this dream of the narwhal
And celebrate it in all its impossible, oddball glory,
On this the fourth Narwhal Day.

May 23, 2004

The movie Elf is fantastic. It is hilarious and stars Zooey Deschanel. Even the annoying kid is balanced out by all the Jimmy Caan goodness. But what few people realize is that the true secret of Elf is the claymation narwhal early in the movie, which sez goodbye to Buddy as he leaves the North Pole. Narwhal!

Alternative spelling of narwhal include narwhale and narwal, but those in the know us the proper narwhal spelling. Happy Narwhal Day, everybody! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do, and beware the scourge of that most dread pirate starship the Scarlet Narwhal!

Matchbox Twenty

Have a cold day. Very apropos as the narwhal inhabits Arctic waters!

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