Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Spy vs. Spy
Have no fear, Interpol is here! Spylink.

Oh, and hey, while all of these fun and games are going on, the genocide in the Darfur region of the Sudan continues unabated. Of course, Kofi Annan was too busy accusing the United States of having ceded the moral high ground to the late, unlamented Pol Pot to notice. We should bring back the League of Nations, because at least the League was honest about being impotent to stem the tide of human suffering.

BTW South Song of the Day
Mu330, "I Got This Neighbor" from Winder Wonderland! (Mt. Love)

Commentary: Not to be confused with Mu330's "Neighbor" from Crab Rangoon, which is another song altogether. Years ago at an Mu330 show in Evil Lansing, K. Steeze, the Mountain, and I shouted for the band to play "I Got This Neighbor." Sure, it was St. Paddy's Day, but we were in the mood for a Christmas ditty. So, the lead singer, Dan Potthast, a.k.a. Steve Roelle, the missing Roelle brother, said, "'Neighbor'? Sure!" And then they played "Neighbor." It's a great song; so, it was all good.

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