Saturday, May 26, 2007

Vote For Kodos
Blood and treasure. We in the GOP are not quite so politically impotent as was supposed after November's election, eh? After W's reelection in 2004, many of my fellows on the center-right fell victim to hubris, speaking of nonsense such as a "permanent majority." In 2006, we reaped what our pride had sown. Yet, now that we have been brought low and are once again the loyal opposition, our fellows across the aisle seem to have learned precious little from our downfall. The Democrat(ic) majorities in the House of Representatives and the Senate are almost precisely as thin as were the pre-election Republican majorities; we were able to govern by the "51% strategy" only because we also held the Oval Office. The Democrats won a great victory last fall, but they didn't win everything. They would do well to remember that prior to 1994 we spent six decades in the Congressional opposition, and from those long years we retain an almost instinctual mastery of the political monkey wrench.

For all that, I am not without sympathy for the large numbers of perfectly reasonable center-left Democrats who are constantly harangued by their party's vocal hard-left minority: donkey punch.

There is so much more to say, but for now there is satisfaction enough in simply posting about politics again. I miss the fight.

The League of Nations
Remember, kids, while the United States under President Bush is a grave threat to decent people everywhere, Zimbabwe's huggable President-for-Life Robert Mugabe is UN-endorsed: Rhodesialink! Thumbs up for Ban Ki-moon!

Ricky Fitness
From my journal: "I've started using the exercise room's abdominal machine in lieu of simple crunches and for my trouble all sorts of muscles from whom nary a complaint had been heard are suddenly screaming bloody murder. I guess that means something's going right, eh?"

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