By Lucifer's beard! The sole remaining factory Peugeot 908 was tearing around the Circuit de la Sarthe with reckless abandon, desperately trying to close on the two leading Audi R15s, when the driver, Anthony Davidson, forced the No. 64 Corvette CR6—the G.T.2 leader—off the track and into the crash barriers. The Peugeot made the Corvette crash! The 'Vette limped home with a completely smashed rear end, so thoroughly smashed that I thought their day was done, that once rolled into the garage the mechanics would take a look at their wounded car, realize the cause was hopeless, and reluctantly throw in the towel. Not so. The Corvette racing mechanics worked like fiends to replace the entire front end of the CR6, replacing not just bodywork elements, but substantial drivetrain components, and hammered the twisted frame back into shape. Withing an astonishingly few minutes of limping into the pit lane, the Corvette was back in the race, albeit well down in the G.T.2 field. Alas, the damage was ultimately too much for the CR6 to continue, and after a few valiant laps the poorly abused car began belching the gray smoke that is the unmistakable sign of catastrophic engine failure, very possibly, if not probably, the result of damage done while limping back to the pit lanes, when the smashed rear end caused most of the car's oil to leak out, leaving the engine dangerously bereft of lubrication. Corvette Racing's day is done, their race is run. Curse the luck!

I admit to a certain affection for Audi fostered by the documentary Truth in 24, but I've remained rather neutral between Audi and Peugeot, having no strong feelings, neither love nor hate, for either squad. But as a result of the Peugeot's sabotage of the Corvette's race, I am now and forevermore vehemently against Peugeot. Down with the lion! Let's go Audi! Crush those rat fink frogs!

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