Thursday, July 16, 2015


Today is the optional memorial of Our Lady of Mount Carmel: Our Lady-link ūna & Our Lady-link duae, Wikipedia-link O.L.M.C. & Wikipedia-link Scapular.

Commentary: Quoth the bulletin:
Patroness of Carmelites, devotion to Our Lady of Mount Carmel has centered on the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, known as the Brown Scapular.
Scripture of the Day
Personal Reading
The First Letter to the Corinthians, chapter four.

Mass Readings
The Book of Exodus, chapter three, verses thirteen thru twenty;
Psalm One Hundred Five, verses one, five, eight & nine, twenty-four thru twenty-seven;
The Gospel according to Matthew, chapter eleven, verses twenty-eight thru thirty.

Mass Journal: Week 29
Sunday, 12 July 2015
Reflection by Matthew Kelly of the Dynamic Catholic Institute
We are called to live holy lives & this is something we should strive for as Christians, but let me be very clear that this holiness is not something that we can attain for ourselves. In truth, holiness is something God does in us & not something we achieve. And yet at this same time, God is the perfect gentleman: He invites us to participate in His life, but never forces Himself upon us. He wants our consent, he wants us to be invited into our hearts & lives, but much more than consent & invitation He desires our loving cooperation. God years for us to be coworkers with Him in this work of holiness. It is this dynamic collaboration between God & man that brings delight to God. The North Star is the only star in the sky that never moves; it remains constant & unwavering, & therefore is a true guide. In the same way, God's call to live a holy life never changes. In a world of rapid & constant change, it is what is unchanging that allows us to make sense of change. The ideas you encounter may change, but God's call to live a holy life never changes.
Commentary: The statement "the North Star is the only star in the sky that never moves; it remains constant & unwavering, & therefore is a true guide" is a terrible analogy for the Almighty's constancy, because the North Star does in fact move in the sky. A parade of stars assumes the rôle of the North Star due to their procession in the sky. The name of the current North Star in English, Polaris, while meaning "of the pole," has only been used since the 17th century, well into what is known as the Modern Era. Polaris was not the pole star to the ancient Greeks nor during the life of Christ. Another star, Gamma Cephei, will be closer to the celestial pole than Polaris in only a thousand years. The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob is truly constant & unwavering, unlike the vacillating North Star.

12 July '15? To quote
Spaceballs, "We're in now, now."

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