Sunday, July 19, 2015


Today is the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Were 19 July not a Sunday, we would remember Saint John Plessington (c. 1637-1679), priest, martyred under King Charles II during the hysteria surrounding the non-existent "Popish Plot:" Martyr-link & Wikipedia-link.

Scripture of the Day
Mass Readings
The Book of Jeremiah, chapter twenty-three, verses one thru six;
Psalm Twenty-three, verses one thru six;
The Letter to the Ephesians, chapter two, verses thirteen thru eighteen;
The Gospel according to Mark, chapter six, verses thirty thru thirty-four.

Mass Journal: Week 30
Reflection by Matthew Kelly of the Dynamic Catholic Institute
Holiness & renewal are inseparably linked. Where there is holiness the Church has always thrived. If the Church is not thriving there is one primary reason for that… & when you & I begin to take God's call to live holy lives seriously, the Church will begin to thrive in new & exciting ways. Holiness is compatible with every state in life. Married people are called to live holy lives just as much as monks & nuns. Sexual intimacy is a profound gift from God & an instrument of holiness. The riches of this world have value only inasmuch as they help us fulfill our essential purpose. If we own them, they can be powerful tools that help us live holy lives. If they own us, they will prevent us from becoming the-best-version-of-ourselves. The rich are called to live holy lives by using their wealth in productive ways that foster their own growth & the growth of others. Material possessions, marriage & sexual intimacy, work, money, & positions of authority are just some of the opportunities life presents to live holy lives.

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