Thursday, July 18, 2002

45 Things She Wishes You Knew
15. You did something bad. I seem cool with it. I'm not. (See directly above. [In our case, yesterday's item.])
On the contrary, Lindsay very clearly lets me know when I've done something to piss her off. I hear about it. Hell, I even hear about it when I haven't done anything wrong. I don't hold it against her because I well understand that none of us is perfect, and that I am perhaps the least fair person I know. But, I understand the principle, in that we often overlook things for the sake of someone we care about, but that it would be really cool for that person to appreciate that he or she has done something and to freely offer an apology.

It is at times like these that I really wished I cried. Or got drunk. Something cathartic would be really helpfully. (Example, sleeping with Lindsay. Wait, crap, the whole problem is that I can't do that. Damn it!) (This is one of my facetious, non-crazy moments; so, please take this as gallows sarcasm.)

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