Friday, July 26, 2002

Big thanks to both Julie and Dylan, who both remembered my birthday. This is the first one in years to not freak me out. 23. How about that?

45 Things She Wishes You Knew
19. A man I love plans the occasional fancy-schmancy dress-up date and impromptu weekend getaways, and he buys my favorite cnady in advance when we're just going to the movies.
Okay, the candy thing I can do. The other two, well, first I'd need the opportunity that has thus far been denied me. However, I did fly out to California, far and away the first person to do that, just to see her, and I timed it specifically so we could go to Warped together. The bridge of "Riot Grrl", the part about my perfect girl in the pit, I wrote that before I met Lindsay, but it could not be more her.

20. You look hot in hooded clothing items.
I've chosen to read this as saying I'd look hot in a hooded Jedi robe.

21. You should never tell me what to do.
This is a complex one. I'll come back to it tomorrow or Monday.

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