Wednesday, July 17, 2002

I think it's perfectly reasonable for me to feel incredibly lonely right now; so, I'm not going to beat myself up about it. That's the predominant fact of my life at the moment: the absense of Lindsay. Right or wrong, there it is.

45 Things She Wishes You Knew
14. I'm more forgiving of you than I really should be.
The absolute truth is so rare, that we must savor the beauty of it when seen. At best I am an oaf. Easily, I am an ogre. I am afraid that I am a monster. All of my friends are patient souls, lest they would have fled from me long ago. I am terribly trying. This is true of no one more than Lindsay. She has a terrible temper (which I am only now beginning to understand and predict), yet she puts up with so much from me. It's fucking incredible. At one point last week we were talking about why she liked me, and she said, "It's inexplicable." At this, I started teasing her, "Ha ha, you like me!" Poor girl. My task now is to be better than I am, better than I've ever been before. To be less of an asshole. To be less frustrating. To be what is good in me, and not what's bad.

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