Wednesday, March 9, 2005

The Hawai'yeti
The Flying Dutchman lived at 1213 during the last or three years there. We hatched a scheme whereby fame, fortune, and femmes would all be ours: we would become world-famous adventurers. We invited Neutral Man, but he declined, perfering a sedate life of teaching and suburban boredom. We were going to travel the globe collecting rare items and solving ancient mysteries. We'd discover the lost city of Atlantis (and, if we had time, the lost city of Atlanta), find the body of Jimmy Hoffa, and capture the legendary Abominable Snowman (a.k.a. yeti). I'd romance our sexy British anthropologist while The Flying Dutchman would find true love with a beautiful Hawai'ian girl and introduce her to a larger world of adventure and renown. Hawai'i, you say? Yes, Hawai'i. You see, the Abominable Snowman is the big leagues, one of the most famous and formidable of all Earth's mythical creatures. I mean, dude, half his name is abominable (abominable adj. - inequivocally detestable; loathsome). You can't pursue the yeti your first time out of the gate. You'll get you whole team killed, ripped to shreds. (" shreds, you say.") So, we'd warm up by capturing the little known and hardly abominable Hawai'yeti! I mean, no one's abominable in Hawai'i. It's paradise! So, we'd use the Hawai'yeti as a preseason, use the publicity to cover our start-up costs, maybe get a sweet belafonte-esque boat to get around in, and embark on lives of "high adventure, rich living, and hard dying." Adventure today!

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