№ CCCXXXVII - Felix the Cat & his disputed creation.

Operation AXIOM
Two thousand seven hundred sixty-six years ago to the day, 21 April 753 B.C., the city of Rome was founded by the foundling twins Romulus & Remus, at least according to the Romans' founding myth. Even unto the present day, Rome towers above our world like a colossus; even setting aside Holy Mother Church, with her headquarters & spiritual center in the Eternal City, we live—every one of us, every day of our lives—in the shadow of Rome. Our laws, our ideas, the very words by which we define & express ourselves, were bequeathed to us by the Senate & the Roman People (Senatus Populusque Romanus, S.P.Q.R.). A world in which there had never been a Rome would be a world alien beyond imagining. The glory that was Rome, founded two thousand seven hundred sixty-six years ago to-day.
Civis romanus sum.
The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day: SKApril
The Insyderz, "Soundtrack to a Revolution" from Soundtrack to a Revolution (T.L.A.M.)
"It's a revolution,
It's a time to shine.
United we stand strong,
Together we fight!
"I pledge allegiance to my God,
Creator of all things,
And I lift my hands up to the sky
Realizing what that means,
Look around at all of those
Doing the same thing,
Here we stand with the great I Am,
Let true freedom ring!"
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