Thursday, October 9, 2014


Today is the memorial of Saint Denis of Paris & Companions (3rd century), bishop & martyr, one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers: Saint-link, Wikipedia-link, & Helpers-link.

Today is the memorial of Saint John Leonardi (1541-1609), founder of the Clerics Regular of the Mother of God, originally called the Congregation of Clerics secular of the Blessed Virgin: Saint-link, Wikipedia-link, & Order-link

Scripture of the Day
The Gospel according to Matthew, chapter six.

Urbi et Orbi
I catechize on Wednesday nights, with the seventh & eighth graders as my catechumens. The younger kids, first through sixth grades, are taught out of a kids' Bible called the "Hands-On Bible." I discovered last night that the Hands-On Bible is a Protestant Bible, excerpted down from seventy-three books to sixty-six. Sure, maybe the Book of Tobit & 1st & 2nd Maccabees aren't quoted as often as the Gospel according to John or the Book of Isaiah, but they are no less divinely inspired parts of Sacred Scripture! How are we supposed to teach these kids about the one, holy, catholic, & apostolic Church if we use a Bible edited, mutilated by persons who reject the magisterium of that Church? I am appalled, & shocked at this dereliction of duty by the parish's Director of Religious Education, a man of whom I am personally quite fond. This cannot go unchallenged.

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