Commentary: Wayback Machine. Quoth the Holy Redeemer bulletin:
When Jesus explained that his flesh was "real food" & his blood was "real drink," many disciples left him (John, 6:44-66), presumably including Mark. He was later restored to faith by the apostle Peter (29 June, et al.); he then became Peter's interpreter, wrote the Gospel of Mark, founded the church of Africa, & became the Bishop of Alexandria.'Tis also the feast of Saint Peter of Saint Joseph de Betancur, O.F.B. (1626-1667), founder of the Bethlehemite Brothers: Saint-link ūnus, Saint-link duo, & Wikipedia-link; Wikipedia-link O.F.B.
Scripture of the Day
Mass Readings
The First Letter of Peter, chapter five, verses five(b) thru fourteen;
Psalm Eighty-nine, verses two, three, six, seven, sixteen, & seventeen;
The Gospel according to Mark, chapter sixteen, verses fifteen thru twenty.
Personal Reading
The Book of Numbers, chapter six (verses one thru twenty-seven);
The Book of Numbers, chapter seven (verses one thru thirty-one);
The Book of Numbers, chapter eight (verses one thru twenty-six).
Commentary: Laws concerning Nazirites (6:1-21), the Priestly Blessing (6:22-27), offerings of princes (7:1-88), the Voice (7:89), the lamps set up (8:1-4), purification of the Levites (8:5-22), & age limits for Levitical service (8:22-26).
Chapter seven ends with a ellipsis. Odder still, there is no footnote commenting upon this peculiarity, much less offering an explanation for same. Chapter eight then begins with the LORD speaking to Moses in the meeting tent, & while that indicates what happened next after chapter seven, it still doesn't explain why that chapter ended with an ellipsis instead of, say a period. Obviously, the ellipsis is an English-language convention, not present in the original Hebrew, but what in the Hebrew is the English ellipsis means to convey? Vexing!
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