Sunday, February 4, 2024

Section 31: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993-2024)

Episode o' the Day
"Invasive Procedures" (season two, episode four; 18 October 1993): Wikipedia-link.

Commentary: "Invasive Procedures" delves into the consequences of Trill symboisis, as did the first season's "Dax." My only frustration with "Invasive Procedures" is that our heroes don't criticize the villain Verad's plan of abducting & joining with Dax & then escaping through the Bajoran Wormhole into the Gamma Quadrant as being not only a death sentence for Jadzia, but also for Dax: the Dax symbiont has lived for hundreds of years through numerous hosts, Jadzia being the eighth, but if Vrad takes Dax into the Gamma Quadrant, in the best case scenario Dax will die when Verad reaches natural death for a Trill host, somewhere in the neighborhood of a hundred years. That would not have dissuaded the murderous Verad, but since the Trill are a joined species, Sisko & crew ought to have at least voiced concern for both the Dax symbiont & the Jadzia host.

As Worf would put it in a later season:
"…the magnificent Jadzia Dax."
My brother & nephew recently encountered the actress Terry Farrell, who played Jadzia Dax, at a fan convention. As my brother described her via text:
"She was luminous."

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