Tuesday, November 4, 2003

{Green Army Bag}
Man, my green army bag is awesome. A veteran of nine years on campaign, the green army bag has finally been retired like the old soldier he is. Now, as a memorial to that brave fellow, I offer you a selection of quotes from the green army bag.

"'You and your whole degenerate lifestyle will burn in the flames of Allah!' -(Skeeter)"

"Long Live the Revolution"

"'I am the lone locust of the apocalypse. Think of me when you look to the night sky.' -Zorak"

"All Hail Peter Sellers!"

"'You know what I want you to do? I want you to go upstairs to that apartment where that guy keeps playing that Barry Manilow record "Copa Cabana" over and over and over again. I want you to ring the doorbell and when he answers the door, I want you to stab him in the neck with a No. 2 pencil over and over and over again, because he must PAAAAAY!!! Chop him up and put him in the freezer and as you leave the apartment, light the place on fire!' -Denis Leary"

"Prepare the die, Earth scum!"

"Mr. Riek's Atomic Cheesecoopers!"

"I condemn the whole bloody lot of you to the fiery depths of Hades"

"Duffy: Kill it before it breeds."

"Bob Dole hates carrots! Bob Dole will scream unless he gets a cookie!! Don't spank Bob Dole!!"

"Look Moltar, I am green with E-vil."

"Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again."

"All hail Dead Mel! !Viva Mel!"

"Avt Pax; Avt Bellvm - Wilson"

"Anarchists of the world... UNITE!"

"'The World Turned Upside Down' -The British at Yorktown, 1781"

and of course

"The Rebel Black Dot Society"

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