Friday, October 22, 2004

Wilson Field
Two cool things about our newly expanded driveway, Wilson Field: last weekend, my parents hosted the monthly pinochle tournament they share with three other couples. To prepare, Meine Vater parked four of our cars - the Woody, the Purple Haze, the Impala, and the Lumina - on the extreme left. This left a space equivalent to our entire old driveway to the right. When the Guy dropped me off later that evening, three guest vehicles were casualy parked, and if one took care, another three cars could have been added to those. With a little forethought and miminal skill, you could park eleven automobiles on Wilson Field. Awesome.

The other thing is that the driveway is so big you can pull into it, turn around, and then pull into the street head first. No more backing into the street for me. You know what that is? Luxury, baby, pure luxury.

Vote For Kodos - Countdown: 11 Days
Today, I was thinking about President Clinton hitting the campaign trail for Senator Kerry, and I can't help but recall yesterday's hilarious images of Fidel Castro falling flat on his face. Too bad old Fidel only broke a few bones, and too bad old Slick Willy is back on his feet so soon.

With the debates over, there isn't really much news. President Bush calls Mr. Kerry a liberal and weak on defense, Senator Kerry sez Mr. Bush has made one misjudgment after another. Mrs. Kerry continues to speak like a crazy woman, Senator Edwards continues to sound like a lightweight, and Vice President Cheney is surely plotting some unspeakable evil from a secure and undisclosed location. A week and a half until this madness is over, if we're lucky.

The Mind of Thomas Harris
Four novels in twenty-nine years: Black Sunday, Red Dragon, The Silence of the Lambs, and Hannibal.

Dr. Hannibal Lecter
nickname: Hannibal the Cannibal

Francis Dolarhyde
nickname: the Tooth Fairy
later: the Red Dragon

Jame Gumb
nickname: Buffalo Bill
later: Mr. Hide

Have a mint night.

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