Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Project BLACK MAMBA: Saints Backlog

17 January was the Memorial of Saint Anthony, Abbot (251-356): Saint-link Unus, Saint-link Duo, & Wikipedia-link.

Commentary: Saturday was the obligatory memorial of Saint Anthony, the Desert Father variously known as Saint Anthony the Great, Saint Anthony the Abbot, Saint Anthony of Egypt, et al. Alas, the parish bulletin editor (or the source on which she relies) seems to have mistaken this Saint Anthony for another well-known Saint Anthony, Saint Anthony of Padua, whose feast is celebrated in June.

Had 18 January not been a Sunday, we would have remembered Saint Faustina of Como† (d. 580) & Saint Liberata of Como† (d. 580), sisters (both siblings & nuns): Saint-link Foxtrot, Saint-link Lima, & Wikipedia-link.

We would also have remembered Saint Margaret of Hungary, O.P.† (1242-1271): Saint-link & Wikipedia-link.

On 19 January, we remembered Saint Canute of Denmark† (c. 1042-1086, also spelt Knut, Knud, etc.), King Canute IV, martyr: Martyr-link & Wikipedia-link.

Today is the optional memorials of Pope Saint Fabian (c. 200-c. 250), martyred under the Emperor Decius, & Saint Sebastian (d. c. 288), martyred under the Emperor Diocletian: Martyr-link Foxtrot Unus, Martyr-link Foxtrot Duo, & Wikipedia-link Foxtrot; Martyr-link Sierra Unus, Martyr-link Sierra Duo, & Wikipedia-link Sierra.

Commentary: Quoth the bulletin:
A layperson, Fabian went to Rome during a papal election. A dove descended on him & he was named Pope.

Sebastian encouraged fellow prisoners to despise flesh & blood, & to die for Christ. God confirmed his words by miracle: light shone around him while he spoke; he cured the sick by his prayers; & in this divine strength he led multitudes to the faith.

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