Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Weekly Wednesday Weigh-in
Last weigh-in: 322.4 lbs
This weigh-in: 326.8 lbs.
Difference: +4.4 lbs.

This gluttonous nonsense has to stop, Mike. I'm throwing away all my hard work for things that manifestly are not making my life better, but demonstrably worse. I cannot un-eat anything I've eaten; even were I to dabble in bulimia, it's been long enough since I ate that the food is no longer in my stomach, but further along the ol' gastrointestinal tract. All I can do is acknowledge my failure, learn the lesson, & begin again, begin anew. Nunc Coepi.

Honey badger might not care, but I ought.

Bonus! Lied von ÖSTERREICH
Jim Gaffigan, "Box of Donuts" from Cinco (The Last Angry Glutton)

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