Saturday, January 3, 2004

Christmas should be lasting all year long. Early January is normally a pretty sad time of year, but this is the worst. My sister's back in DC (though, good for her), my brother's in Troy tonight and soon will be back in A2 (good for him), and back at the ranch we're taking down the Christmas decorations, which always makes the house feel empty. We took down the tree today for the purpose of boxing it up and putting it out in the shed before the snow falls tonight; we'll take down the rest of the decorations tomorrow. The current heat wave makes this nearly infinitely worse. Listen, it's January; so, everything is dead. Given that, wouldn't a bed of pristine snow be prettier than the sickly green of dead grass? Yes, it would. Fifty degrees in January is bullshit.

Everybody is so happy it's warm. What the fuck is wrong with you people? Would you be happy if it was fifty in July? No, of course you wouldn't. And as much as I loathe the heat, I wouldn't either. I want it to be hot in July and cold in January. Everything in its season, damn it. Is it too much to ask?

I don't know why, it might be the weather, but it feels like a million years since we returned from Texas. Those seem like the good old days. Weird. (Not being in Texas, but the 30th and 31st. Apparently, I miss 2003.)

The Trekkie Project
I want to make Guy Zach Nie! into a Trekkie. Right now, he's a guy who worships at the alter of Deep Space Nine, but I don't think he's quite a Trekkie yet. To that end, though, I've loaned him the latest two Next Generation movies, Star Trek: Insurrection (IX) and Star Trek: Nemesis (X), and encouraged him to watch Star Trek: Enterprise as it is broadcast on TV.

He has expressed an interest in sequentially watching The Next Generation even though I've warned him about the awful awfulness of the first two seasons. Methinks this bodes well for the future of the project.

Banzai Beard Bonanza: Day 3
I never really feel clean with stubble. (Of course, what I've got barely qualifies as stubble.) I wish I could shave right now. I can't believe I'm going to go to Mass looking like this. As C-3PO would say, "How horrid!"

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