Sunday, January 25, 2004

This is Mike, El Commandante of the Rebel Black Dot Society, now broadcasting from my own computer. HAL seem to be working fine and after some initial difficulties, the router is behaving. Excellent.

Spirit has been upgraded from "critical" to "serious" condition. Horrible play on words: Would it be good or bad if Spirit was in Sirius condition?

Opportunity has touched down safely. Go, dynamic duo! Also, because JPL is near LA, Governor Schwarzenegger was on hand. Holy shit, the Terminator is governor of California. What a time to be alive.

Banzai Beard Bonanza: Day 25
The accuresed itching has returned. What the hell? My "beard" has now transitioned from being long, crappy-looking stubble to short, crappy-looking hair. Huzzah.

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