Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Everything sucks. Reel Big Fish has a song (and a compilation) titled "Everything Sucks." It is about everything sucking, because they are a cheerfully pessimistic band. (Their song "Good Thing" is disturbing in that it appears to be a non-ironic ode to how good things can be. Creepy.) By contrast, though they complain about adult oppression, MxPx is an upbeat band. They aren't pollyannas, but them seem happy and joyful. Therefore, it seemed out of place when I learned a song off their latest album is titled "Everything Sucks." What? That doesn't sound like the MxPx I know and love. Fear not, though, friends, all is well. The song is titled "Everything Sucks (When You're Gone)"; it's about missing your girl when she's way. I love both bands when they are who they are. In both cases, everything rocks when "Everything Sucks."

Banzai Beard Bonanza: Day 13
Now that we've reached lucky number thirteen, BBB updates will be scaled back from daily to every other daily. It's not a beard, but it's something.

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