Tuesday, November 23, 2004

I've been having (or at least fuzzily remembering) an unusually high number of dreams lately. Generally, speaking, I can go months without recalling a single dream I've had. Yet, I recall three in the past week. This morning, I was some sort of secret agent, but I had only just come to terms with that state of affairs when I woke up. Yesterday, I fought an extended battle to save a group of children from some kind of giant land squid. I'm not sure how it moved around on land, but it had to be a land squid as the house the children and I occupied was definitely far inland. There were some women there I presumed to be the children's mothers, but I was a stranger to both the moms and the kids. The squid kept incurring its tentacles into opposite sides of the house and I'm not sure how I was able to nearly simultaneously repell attacks from different directions. Go me! And last week, I don't remember the first part of the dream, but in the seocnd part I was going down on Naomi Watts. In the dream, this struck me as odd since I'm mildly pissed off at everyone involved in the horrible, horrible I Heart Huckabees.

I wish I'd stop remembering dreams, since remembering them always corresponds to be generally tired.

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