Saturday, November 13, 2004

Vote For Kodos - The Left
"I have to confess that it's crossed my mind that you could not be a Republican and a Christian." --Hillary Rodham Clinton, 3.1.1997.

I am asking my "southpaw" friends and the Democratic Party for a favor: please please please please please nominate Senator Clinton as your presidential candidate in '08. Pretty please? With sugar on top?

And then of course, there is former president Jimmy. According to Jimmy and the criteria of his Carter Center, the United States has neither fair elections nor a functioning democracy. Why, you ask? Because we suppress the rights of third parites by allowing non-government funding of campaigns. That's funny, because I don't remember Governor Jimmy in the 1976 campaign, nor President Jimmy running for reelection in 1980 being huge supporters of third parties.

In the 1980 campaign, Representative John Anderson (formerly R, Illinois) ran as an independent candidate. He got 7% of the nation vote, including my mother's vote, the only time in nine presidential contests she didn't vote for the Democratic candidate. (She voted for Jimmy in '76, but regretted it by '80.) As Ralph Nader will tell you, 7% nationally is a damn good result for a third party candidate. There was only one presidential debate in 1980's general election, which included Ronald Reagan's now classic line, "There you go again." John Anderson was not on the stage, yet Jimmy still signed off on this debate as both free and fair. Way to be a hypocrite, Jimmy, way to be a hypocrite.

Vote For Kodos - Bush Country
Hyperlink. Fools! Dick Cheney will never die! If FOUR heart attacks couldn't kill him, nothing can! Bwa ha ha ha ha!

Have a safe night.

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