Friday, July 1, 2005

Article III
Justice Sandra Day O'Conner has announced her retirement from the United States Supreme Court. Hyperlink. Now, who actually thinks the nomination and confirmation process will be civil and/or dignified? Think Chief Justice Rehnquist will give W. the chance to nominate a dynamic duo? In any event, my thanks to Mrs. O'Conner for her decades of service to the Republic.

One Country, Two Systems
On July 1, 1997, sovereignty over Hong Kong (Hong Kong Island, the Kowloon Peninsula, and the New Territories) was transferred from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the People's Republic of China. While the people of Hong Kong do not live under the same repression as the majority of Chinese, it is equally fair to say that do not enjoy the same civil liberties they did under the British governor. I really don't feel much sympathy for Haong Kong democracy activists. Did you people honestly believe you could both live under Beijing's rule and remain free? How stupid are you? Were you not paying attention in 1989? I sympathize with those who did not have the economic means to leave Hong Kong before the handover, but that does not extend to those who had the wherewithal and chose to stay; they should have known what they were getting into.

I really do like the new Hong Kong flag, though. Hyperlink.

Captains of Industry
Bruce Wayne (Batman) - Wayne Enterprises, advanced research division Waynetech
Lex Luthor - Lexcorp
Ted Kord (deceased, Blue Beetle II) - K.O.R.D. (Kord Omniversal Research and Development), a division of Wayne Enterprises
Michael Carter (Booster Gold) - Booster Gold International (formerly Goldstar, Inc.) **bankrupt**
Jesse Chambers (Jesse Quick) - QuickStart

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