Goodbye, Kitty
I miss Sammy.
The Group of 8
One of these countries is not like the others. Guess which one:
United States of America
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Federal Republic of Germany
French Republic
Italian Republic
Dominion of Canada
Russian Federation
Russia was admitted to the former G7 when the Soviet Union collapsed, a balm for the Motherland's bruised ego. Is anyone seriously going to argue that Russia is more economically important than China? On the other hand, despite some disturbing moves on President Putin's part, Russia is still a quasi-democracy; China remains one of the most authoritarian states on Earth. Still, the G8 is definied as a club of the world's richest nations, a club to which Russia has no more right to belong than India, the world's largest democracy.
*Japan does not have a formal name. Though seldom used, the formal name of Canada is the Dominion of Canada; in governmental communications, both America and Great Britain tend to use their formal names, the United States and the United Kingdom, respectively. During the Second World War, Japan was the Empire of Japan. The emperor is still around, though no longer considered divine, but Japan is most certainly no longer the Empire. There's no name for Japan other than Japan.
Of course, Japan isn't really Japan. "Japan" comes from the Chinese word for the islands, "Jipan." The Japanese name for Japan is Nihon, sometimes styled as Nippon. So really, the Japanese should be called Nihonese.
Then again, what the hell did Amerigo Vespucci ever do that was so great? Really, instead of an American I suppose I should be a Columbian, not to be confused with a Colombian. Welcome to the United States of Columbia? There is still a British Columbia, long after British Honduras went the way of the buffalo.
Wait a second, I've seen buffalo! They aren't extinct. Damn misleading phrase....
Siamese (archaic)
Did I miss any?
The House of Burgesses
House of Representatives
Great Britain
House of Lords
House of Commons
House of Councillors
House of Representatives
Federal Council
Federal Diet
National Assembly
Chamber of Deputies
House of Commons
Federation Council
State Duma
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