Thursday, April 15, 2004

Word of the day: POLSKA. Oh, who am I kidding, Polska is the word of the day everyday. Polska! I should put that on a T-shirt.

MURKY TRANSPORT DISASTER / 701 (front/back; white ringer with red trim, red letters)

Narwhal (gray, white letters)

OH YEAH! / ROK* (red, white letters)

THE LAST ANGRY MAN (black, white letters)

Poser (black, red script letters)

NOT A FROG (blue, white letters)


Well, the Polish flag is red and white, so we could go red with white letters, bit something about the glory of Polska tells me black with white letters might be where it's at. Hmmmm.

*Curiously enough, this has nothing to do (I don't think it does, anyway) with the Republic of Korea (South Korea). And no, there isn't an asterisk on the shirt. And with that, strike up Mike Park's "Korea Is So Far Away."

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