Friday, November 12, 2004

Vote For Kodos* - Bush Country
As I write this, President Bush and Prime Minister Blair has just concluded their joint press conference. If you want to know why I voted for President Bush, if you want to know why I love President Bush and why I believe he has become a great president, all you need to do is read his remarks and his answers to today's questions. Wilsonianism is on the march, in large part due to George W. Bush and Tony Blair. Thank you, gentlemen.

*For those of you who may be wondering (and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one), I'm going to keep calling political and geopolitical posts "Vote For Kodos" until President Bush's second inauguration on January 20, 2005.

This is interesting. The Chinese would be best served by treading lightly; the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force is the world's third most powerful and technologically advanced navy, after only the United States Navy and the Royal Navy (which is superior largely due to far greater size).

This article also took me back to the Fall of 1995 and my first ever debate tournament. My temporary partner Todd and I were rookie JV master debaters, but were promoted to Varsity for that tournament. We quite literally weren't in the same league as our opponents. That year's debate topic? China. As the Negative team, our reponse to every Affirmative was "strategic tripolarity," i.e. the notion the Chinese couldn't do anything too radical in the region vis-a-vis challenging American hegemony, for fear that such action would push the Japanese to rearm and assume a more aggressive stance. Strategic tripolarity in action! Huzzah!

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