Monday, March 5, 2007

The Anniversary Party
Five years ago, I'd been told how to intersplice hyperlinks into my blog posts and decided to perform a few controlled experiments. It was quasi-scientific!

Ein. 11:36am

Zwei. 11:40am

Drei. 12:27pm

Vier. 12:34pm

Funf. 6:47pm

Sechs. 6:59pm

I don't think I'm quite done with "The Anniversary Party," I think there's more mindless prattling to be done about the nature of bloggy blogs and the like, but I believe I'm done linking to The Secret Base's infancy. What I shall do is look back at some classic recurring features such as "45 Things She Wishes You Knew" (my own commentary on an article in Esquire), "Have A Day"/"Have A Night," "Retroactively Making Star Trek: Voyager Good," and "Crap." The Secret Base of the Rebel Black Dot Society has been aroud for a full five years; I see no reason not to extend the fifth anniversary celebration out over a longer period than was originally decreed. Viva "The Anniversary Party"!

I'm sorry I was not able to keep my promise of finishing "To Be or Not to Be" this weekend, but I felt a strong desire to watch Star Trek: Enterprise, a LOT of Star Trek: Enterprise. But the rambling treatise on my future "with" the Detroit Lions will be finished and posted sooner rather than later.

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