Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Section 31: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993-2024)

Episode o' the Day
"Shattered Mirror" (season four, episode twenty; 22 April 1996): Wikipedia-link.

Commentary: "Shattered Mirror" is a direct sequel to season three's Mirror Universe episode, "Through the Looking Glass." In "Through the Looking Glass," our Benjamin Sisko impersonated Mirror Benjamin Sisko to win over Mirror Jennifer Sisko to the side of the Terran rebels; in "Shattered Mirror," Mirror Jennifer lures Jake Sisko over to the Mirror Universe to induce our Sisko to cross over to help Smiley (Mirror O'Brien) finish a Mirror Defiant in time to defeat a fleet led by Mirror Worf, the Regent of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. All the campy fun is here, including Mirror Kira murdering Mirror Nog to continue the tradition of killing off one Mirror Universe Ferengi per episode, & it's a hoot to see Michael Dorn get in on the fun as Mirror Worf.

The relationship between the Siskos has real poignancy, with Jake treating Mirror Jennifer as if she is his own mother returned from the dead, Mirror Jennifer lamenting that she & Mirror Benjamin never had a Jake of their own, & Benjamin confessing a deep fondness for Mirror Jennifer, despite her endangering Jake as part of her plan. Benjamin & Jake mourn the death of Mirror Jennifer, not quite the same as they had ealier mourned the death of Benjamin's wife & Jake's mother, but not quite so different, either.

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