Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Explorers' Club, № MXXXVIII

The Space Race—Astronaut Group 3 (the "Fourteen"), Part VII
Donn Fulton Eisele (23 June 1930-1 December 1987), Colonel, U.S. Air Force—He flew Apollo 7 (1968); originally assigned to Apollo 1, he required surgery to repair a dislocated shoulder & was replaced by Roger Chaffee; Eisele worked at N.A.S.A.'s Langley Research Center; he later served as Peace Corps country director for Thailand & guided Concorde chase flights of Halley's Comet (1986).
Bonus! Space Race Song o' the Day: The "Fourteen"—Donn Eisele
Reel Big Fish, "The Bad Guy" from We're Not Happy 'til You're Not Happy (Space Cadet Mike Papa DSKY)

Commentary: Eisele's uncooperative attitude & insubordination during Apollo 7 made it unlikely he'd ever fly again. He was assigned to the Apollo 10 backup crew, which in the normal crew rotation would have put him on the prime crew of Apollo 13, but he was replaced by Stu Roosa by the time that crew flew during Apollo 14.

The Wayback Machine Tour of Donn Eisele
"The Explorers' Club," № DCCLXXVI: The 52nd Anniversary of Apollo 7, Part I
"The Explorers' Club," № DCCLXXVII: The 52nd Anniversary of Apollo 7, Part II
"The Explorers' Club," № DCCLXXVIII: The 52nd Anniversary of Apollo 7, Part III
Requiescat in pace.

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