Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the XVII Sunday in O.T.

The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The O.C. Supertones, "All Glory" from For the Glory (Saint Mike Papa Whiskey)

"All around the world every time its told,
The story always sounds like this:
The powerful will use that power to kill,
The poor are used up by the rich,
The righteous in chains and the innocent slain,
All for the wicked man’s gain,
And the fool believes that God cannot see,
He has no fear of His name.

"All the world will lift its eyes,
The time will come, our God will rise!
All glory, all power, hallelujah! Hey! Hey! Hey!
A day will come and God will fight,
And all the wrongs will be made right!
All glory, all power, hallelujah! Hey! Hey! Hey!…

The rebel’s gun and the tyrant’s tank
Are gonna be fuel for the flame,
And sweet relief for those who grieve
When the day of the Lord is proclaimed,
And without a shot shot or a single bomb dropped
The killing machine will forever stop,
There’ll be no more war when the Prince of Peace
Tells all of the world His name!

"All the world will lift its eyes,
The time will come, our God will rise!
All glory, all power, hallelujah! Hey! Hey! Hey!
A day will come and God will fight,
And all the wrongs will be made right!
All glory, all power, hallelujah! Hey! Hey! Hey!

"Unto our God, we lay it down,
Before the throne, before the crown,
To You, O God, we give ourselves,
Be lifted high, above all else…

"All the world will lift its eyes,
The time will come, our God will rise!
All glory, all power, hallelujah! Hey! Hey! Hey!
A day will come and God will fight,
And all the wrongs will be made right!
All glory, all power, hallelujah! Hallelujah!
All glory, all power, hallelujah! Hey! Hey! Hey!…"

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