No. CXLIV - Sir George Cayley (1773-1857), the father of aerodynamics, and his magnificent flying machines.

I was introduced to Cayley through an episode of MythBusters, in which Adam constructed and flew a small glider of Cayley's design, albeit a glider made of concrete.
The Queue
There was an event today on campus, a welcome for freshmen and transfer students, and I did my bit for the Econ Club in the pitiless light of the the Accursed Sun. One twerp who approached the table gestured to my tattoo, the skull-and-crossbones on my left forearm, and asked, "Is that real?" No, genius, it's an elaborate illusion. Note that I am indeed a jerk, because I'm still making fun of him even though after I answered his question, "Yes," he replied earnestly, "That's cool."
And now, without segue, here's a neato manipulated picture I found last night that tickled my fancy:

What has any of this to do with books, the usual subject of "The Queue," you ask, and quite rightly? The Missing Ink is the first in what is called the Tattoo Shop Mystery series; so, impressionable lad that I know myself to be, tattoos have been on my mind more than usual the last few days.
Right hand: G R O W
Left hand: or D I E
The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day
The Ataris, "How I Spent My Summer Vacation" from End is Forever (T.L.A.M.)
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