Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Weekly Wednesday Weigh-in
Last weigh-in: 333.0 lbs (Wednesday, 18 July)
This weigh-in: 331.4 lbs.
Difference: -1.6 lbs.

One & three-fifths pounds over the last five weeks is not the two pounds per week at which we're aiming, but given the stresses of the last five weeks, I'll take it, gladly. Also of note, I'm having increasingly difficulty keeping my pants up. Having previously tightened my belt from hole five to hole six, I'm now having to venture into the uncharted territory of hole seven, which is just a smidgen too tight, just as hole six was not so many months ago.

Bonus! Lied von ÖSTERREICH
"Weird Al" Yankovic, "Spam" from U.H.F.: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (The Last Angry Man)

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