Sunday, February 29, 2004

The Hypocrisy Never Ends
My father - the Muslim-hating Nazi, if you'll remember - decries the fact that the United States failed to properly monitor the rise of jihadist Islam during the 1980s. The error, he argues, is that we focused on the continuing threat of the Soviet Union and thus were blind to everything else. Now that we are focusing on jihadist terrorists, though, we should of course ignore everything else. Like, say, Haiti. So let me make sure I've got this straight, it was wrong to ignore other threats even though the Soviet Union was our primary concern, but now that terrorism is our primary concern, it is perfectly acceptable to ignore all other threats? How does that work, you goose-stepping moron?

I can't believe that I actually looked up to this imbecile when I was a kid.

Banzai Beard Bonanza: Day 60
The novelty has so worn off. I am sick of this, though to be honest I think it'll take some time to adjust to my restored appearance once the Bonanza is over. Stupid beard, I hope I'm smart enough to never do this again.

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