Sunday, February 29, 2004

I find myself in the oddest misunderstandings. In an IM conversation with Sardine, I wrote, "I'm going to jet, since I find myself in an Oscar conversation and that is an intolerable situation. See you later, alligator." She replied, "That's hurtful." What? Sardini, no, I'm insulting the Academy Awards and the hoopla of Oscar night, not you. I hate the Oscars. That should not be misconstrued as an attack on anyone who watches or likes them, I simply find them personally distasteful. You're free to do as you please.

Finished my bio for The Newsletter Online. Making "all-time, desert island, top five" lists is not easy, not if you try to be honest, anyway. But I'm satisfied with all my decisions and would defend any of them.

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